Friday 30 December 2011

On the eve of New Year

          Now it’s time to welcome one another New Year; Year-2012. Everybody has new Dreams, new Aims, and new Goal’s in New Year. At the starting of new year we sets goals but at the end of year we reliased the we cannot achieved targets. Reasons may be not implementing full energy to achieve targets or setting very high targets.  In this article we want to point out some idea with this we can achive our targets-
                Set only one or two Goals which are very important to you.
                Every day at night check your steps towards your goal.
                At a time take up one goal and make that one goal your life- think of it, dream of it, live on that goal.

Below are some daily routine but important goals/habits/targets which we want to achieve in New Year and I think everybody wanted to achieve—

1.       Rise early in the morning.
2.       Earning more to last year.
3.       Getting state of fully debt free.
4.       Getting stress free state of mind.
5.       Achieving goods health.
6.       Getting new true friends.
7.       Being more social.
8.       Being more humble
9.       Developing good habit.
10.   Reading more-Learning more .
At the end of this article we want to say that at a time take only one goal and try to complete. After completing one goal take another.

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